Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It's Up, It's Down, It's Up Again

This post is not about my sex life...sorry to disappoint.

So I posted my last post. Then I took it down. Then I posted it again. (Yes, I know some of you noticed...and yet you still didn't know who you are!!)

I'm a pretty private person. Outside of a small group of friends, I would say there are very few people who really know me well. I just keep some things to myself, for example, people I work with don't know anything about my personal life and I like it that way. I may come across loud, obnoxious and out going, but actually, I'm really shy. I have a hard time talking to people I don't know well and I have to work really hard to fake being friendly sometimes. So...when I posted about dating randoms that is probably the most personal I've ever gotten on my blog and I had poster's remorse. Then I realized that there are really only a few people who read this waste of time...and they already know all this about me so...whatevs.


notquiteawake said...

Your blog isn't a waste of time. Stop being a jerk! yourself...
I like reading your blog so there.

Anonymous said...

How did I miss these posts?!?!? I'm usually so diligent at checking your site!! I like reading your blog too. I'm excited and want to hear more. Our phone conversations typically only last seconds so let's meet in person!