Thursday, July 28, 2005

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

I'm gonna lose my job....

...but I still think this site is funny. But not in a blasphemous way, more in like a "hey, Jesus...what's goin' on?" kinda way. Jesus is my homeboy.

Paying your dues

This is what I've always suspected...NFLers are jerks...

Remember 1971?

Me neither, but apparently it was a big year for the Sears' catalogue...check out this crazy link.

I've got a fever...

...and the only cure is MORE COW BELL!! Digital cowbell that is...


Who wouldn't want to be Hank? Although a big-headed, breakdancing mascot of yourself might seem a tad self-indulgent.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

You really can't over-love your underwear

I love country music...ok no I don't, but I love country music about underwear...

Fluff Fiction

What with my busy fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants lifestyle, I just don't have time to watch an entire movie. Thank goodness for bunnies, Quentin would be proud.

Amy's Dairy

Ok, this is seriously hilarious. Surprisingly few cow references however...