Saturday, January 10, 2009

Dating is Awkward

Confession: I've never dated someone I didn't know before. Usually I've dated a friend (which always turns out well, let me tell you), or a friend of a friend. I've always had a strict policy of any potential dates needing to have a reference. And (although keep in mind, I've been single a really, really, really long time)this policy has worked out well.

When you date someone you know, or at least have someone in common with, there's always something to talk about and conversation comes fairly naturally. And for the most part, I can chat with anyone. But when you go out with a random, there's no topic you have to fall back on, you can't just talk about the person you both know. I hate forced conversation. It's so unnatural and awkward.

Which is not to say that I'm not currently enjoying the random I've been hanging with. It's a good time, but can be a little forced. I just wish we could skip over the whole "getting to know you" phase and move right into the "this silence isn't because we have nothing to talk about it's because we're too busy making out to talk...or whatever".

And ironically enough, when me and Random talk on the phone, it's like for hours . Literally. We haven't had a phone conversation that's lasted less than 2 hours. We always have tons to talk about on the phone. I guess it's just easier to be relaxed when you're sitting on your couch in your pjs and he's doing whatever across town at his house. Maybe we should just have all our dates on the phone. We can go to the same movies or sit across from each other at a restaurant but never hanging up the phone, kind of like a security blanket. It may be a little freakish but, no relationship is perfect, right?

By the way, I went on a date was good times.

PS - If When this works out, I'll be back to delete this post. So enjoy it while you can.

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