Sunday, June 07, 2009

Brimstone and Hellfire

So, I know I haven't posted in a while but I've been busy...get over it.

It's currently 1AM, I can't sleep so I'll post...I may not make sense but since when is that new?

I was just browsing through the waste of time that is called FACEBOOK, (you may have heard about this, all the kids are doing it)and I was suddenly struck by the thought that occurs often to everyone with a Facebook account: "why the hell did I include this person on my friend list, I haven't spoken to them in years and I don't give a shit about them". Seriously, there are people on my list from high school that I don't think I ever even spoke to in high school. It's just so hard to say no when someone wants to be your friend.

So...I deleted someone. This girl "SALLY" that I went to HS with. She's married to a pastor now (don't ask me, I don't get it either), and all of her status updates are vaguely religious and judgy. And the follow up comments are even more so! I just couldn't take it, tonight was the last straw. Her comment was something about how taking the pill was an evil sin. Then the follow ups were about how it was the same as having an abortion once a month. Now, there are all kinds of inaccuracies in those comments that I'm not even going to touch, but I mean, really?!? Do you have to be such a crazy person on FB? Jesus Christ, it's FB, no one wants to read about your crazy religious views on FB, I just want to read about how you had to wait a long time at Starbucks today, or that your kid had the flu but is feeling better. I had to delete her, I couldn't be a party to her crazy, cult-ish postings. I feel mildly guilty because she's a nice girl and all, but you just can't drop "abortion" in your status update, that ain't cool.

1 comment:

Farleycat said...

Love it! I totally agree with you!