Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My job is a gong show

I never really post about my job, mostly because I don't want to lose it. I wish I had the guts to though because as some of you know I have some pretty hilarious work-related stories. Some involving monkey-punching, mixed drinks and the like. But today was weird and so I'm posting about it...so there.

Today a kid brought a hamster to school in a baby wipes container with no air holes. He's six and it was his mom's idea (Seriously? Why didn't you just send it in a ziplock bag?). So at 9:10 AM I drove a hamster home. I have 8 years of post-graduate education. Today I was a rodent taxi-driver. I love my job.


notquiteawake said...

I miss your stories!

farleycat said...

I love your stories. I miss J.A.'s stories. They really are the only ones that can challenge yours.

Anonymous said...

POST already...geez!