Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 04 - A Habit You Wish You Didn't Have

I have lots of bad habits, but I think they're charming and quirky so I don't refer to them as "bad habits", I like to think of them as "blessings and presents", meaning you're blessed to be in my presence so quit your bitching.

I have a horrible habit of trying to do a million things at once and so I will often forget either what I was doing when I started or whatever it was that you were trying to tell me in the midst of my chaos...sorry about that, please don't take it personally. I actually really hate that I do this, and I'm working on it, because I worry that it would come across like I don't care or that I don't think you're important, neither of which is true, I just am not a very effective multi-tasker.

But honestly, my worst habit is that I take everything WAY too personally. I don't know why I'm so sensitive! My feelings get hurt so easily but worse still, I literally think that after every interaction with another human being they walk away thinking I'm a jerk because I must have said or done SOMETHING to offend. Admittedly it's pretty self-centered but I can't even help it! I'll be in a meeting, and I'll maybe say one or two things but then spend the next three days wondering if I came across like a douche. And I'm sure sometimes I do, but mostly I don't.

Here's a good example: my mom retired this spring and some colleagues threw her a party and a few people went to the podium to say nice things about her. So I went up, explained that like my mom, I cry at the drop of a hat and proceeded to give a teary but sincere (VERY) short speech conveying our family's pride. No big deal right? Not for me. I didn't sleep that night and was convinced I made a fool out of myself. I called my brother a few days later and he didn't even remember me going up to the podium. See what I mean? Ridiculous right? I know. Seriously. Get over yourself, conceited.

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