Sunday, November 07, 2010

Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

I'm not that interesting so some of these facts might be made up. See if you can figure out which one, it's like a really fun blog-game! (No, really, it's fun!) But I'm not gonna lie, I stole a few/all of these things from the "25 Things" Facebook meme...I know, I'm lame.

1. I think people who home school their kids are just deluding themselves.
2. Sunday mornings are my favourite time of the week because I get to play basketball
3. I think people who are rude are trashy. Especially people who are rude to bartenders and restaurant servers. Also, I don’t think you really understand life unless you’ve had to serve drinks to pay rent.
4. I appreciate passive-aggressiveness in all its forms, unless it’s directed at me. I’d rather have some direct but constructive criticism, even if it’s peppered with expletives.
5. I think that arrogance is the most unattractive trait a person can have.
6. I unapologetically love really bad music (Brittney anyone?)
7. One time I had a dream I was changing a light bulb and when I woke up in the morning I had unscrewed every light bulb in my apartment. I’m kind of a freak-show.
8. I’d get a tattoo if I could just figure out what to get a tattoo of.
9. I should probably change the oil in my car more often but I always feel like the mechanic is judging me because I don’t wash my car very often either.
10. I have no opinion in the whole “toilet paper end up or down” debate, I’m pro-choice.
11. I faint in hospitals. And it’s wildly embarrassing.
12. I was supposed to be the original Arnold on "Different Strokes" but was recast at the last minute. My catch phase: "I'm confused, please clarify Willis", wasn't so catchy.
13. I hate the kind of humour where someone is humiliated so I’ve never seen the Meet the Parents movies and sometimes I have to turn off the Office and walk away.
14. I really enjoy awkward moments, but only as an observer. As a participant they are far less enjoyable.
15. One time I saw Dawson from Dawson’s Creek in an airport and almost said hello because I thought I recognized him from high school.

And here's my picture, it's from far away for two reasons: because I've gained weight and I don't need the world to know (yea, I'm deluded), and because I've got issues with a picture of me being totally know what I'm sayin'...

** Ok, my picture won't upload, I'll try again's not really cheating.


notquiteawake said...

I vote #12!

Anonymous said...

So... nice list ya got there! But, ya just gots ta clarify this for the curious: did you get "Please clarify, Willis" from the Pogo game room of that name, or did you somehow get to christen that room? I kinda like that phrase... it IS rather catchy when spoken with proper inflection.