Sunday, December 23, 2007

Why I'm not Depressed about Turning 30

So it's the big 29B this week. For the last few days my coworkers have been giving me a hard time about turning 30. One woman told me she spent her 30th birthday getting drunk and crying, nice... I am definitely not feeling that. I have to say that I'm feeling pretty good going into my 30s.

First of all, I've decided that I'm not getting older, I'm getting better. I feel like I know myself better now than I ever did in my twenties, and I'm a much more confident, together person than I was even a year ago.

I had a really great year this year: I trained for and ran in a mini-triathlon, had a great summer trip with friends and I got my master's degree.

And...I have a lot to be grateful for; I have a job I love, great family and friends and things are looking good for the new year. Wow! This is a really optimistic post! That's the holidays for you I guess...Merry Triciamas!

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