Friday, July 31, 2009

Put a Band-Aid on it

So tonight, after the second of two particularly long days, I sat down in front of the TV to unwind. I have terrible TV habits, I watch all kinds of crap and tonight that included 2 episodes of Big Brother, yesterday's Oprah and tonight's Dateline and 20/20. Seriously, I love my PVR, there's always something to watch, even if it is a waste of time.

20/20 had a segment about health care; obviously a hot topic these days for our neighbours to the south. The tone of the segment totally offended me, it was essentially bashing the Canadian health care system, one "expert" even going so far as to say that animals get better health care than humans. My national pride wounded, I was outraged and offended. "Yes, it's true," I thought, "Our system has it's flaws. But it sure is comforting to know that no matter what, whether I lose my job and am homeless, broke or both, I will have access to free medical care." It's sure nice not to have to pay to see a doctor when I over react about a swollen gland, thank you Mr. Douglas. So, mind your own business 20/20, nobody asked you anyways.

But I have to admit, it sure is hard to cheer our health care these days. I've spent the last two days, thinking that someone important in my life would be having surgery. But the first day passed and she didn't...and the second day has passed and she didn' now we'll wait and hope and pray that her number comes up on day three. Because, that's kind of what it's like, a lottery for surgery room time. Now, this I could understand if it was elective, anyone can wait a few extra days for lipo or bigger boobs. But if you're having a cancerous tumor removed, it's pretty hard to be patient and understanding.

I know it's not technically anyone's fault. It's not the nurses who have been wonderful and accommodating, and it's not the doctors who are ready, willing and eager to get down to brass tacks. It's the system, and in any system there are flaws. I suppose I recognize that the system is in essence a great idea, but needs work, perhaps even serious change. I'm just finding it hard to reconcile my frustrations with my idealism. Good thing I'm not in charge I guess.

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