Thursday, March 13, 2008

Ken Lee...da diba diba da dooooo

Confession: I am a mediocre singer. I am not tone deaf, I have really good pitch, I can read music and I can usually figure out a good harmony here and there because my years of piano and such. I can feel pretty confident singing loudly in church but I realize that I am a mediocre singer though because there's nothing particularly interesting about my voice, it's just normal, average even and I'm ok with that. I do however, enjoy rocking out in my car when I'm by myself. You've probably even seen me; I'm that weirdo chick singing loudly to herself in the car beside you at the red light, but hey, that just makes me fun. I do pride myself on knowing all the words at least. I'm going to master this new song though, it's called "Ken Lee", and although I can't place it, it's very familiar.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hilarious!!! Can I add it to my iTunes yet?