Sunday, January 29, 2006

Roll 'em up and move 'em out...

So it's moving day today, I'm only half done since now I have to move into the new place but here's a few new words I discovered today:

Moving Day Time Warp: When a task that should only take an hour or so ends up taking hours and hours and hours...
Mover's Stroke: When you've been moving things for so long that you start to zone out and just walk around with a box moving it from one place to another but never putting it where it belongs...
Mad Cheddar: Ok, not so much a moving term but it's how much this new nose job cost, but I don't regret it for one second...just jokes, I can't afford a nose job, I just bought a condo!

Thanks to all the people who helped me move today, you guys da bomb!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ya, thanks to the people who helped and to those who didnt we wish that you would have your skin torn off and your body dipped in acid. Luke, I am looking in your direction!