Sunday, August 28, 2005

Hail to the Chief

JEBUS LUKE! Back off dude, seriously, for a guy who hasn't updated his blog in like, 20 days, you should not be hatin' on my site!! Alright, alright, this one's for you...

If I were American, Macgyver would totally get my vote. He could fix up that country's problems with a gum wrapper, a paperclip and sheer determination. Then maybe he could figure out a way to improve that Iraqi constitution using a thesaurus and needle-nosed pliers.


Anonymous said...

A Macgyver for president site... that is the best you can come up with, can you say downhill slide. Being part of this site is like being on the titanic, a big sinking ship.

tee said...

You are fast approaching a smack upside the head my friend.